How to configure static IP in Evren OS
This article guides configuring and assigning a static IP for an Evren device.
1. Run System configuration (Start Menu —> System Settings).
2. Select “Connections”.
3. Select “eno1” (or whatever network interface you are trying to configure (For instance, it’s enp0s31f6 here). Select "General configuration” and ensure that “Connect automatically with priority” is enabled and set to 0. Also, ensure that “All users may connect to this network” is enabled.
4. Under the IPv4 section, please insert the respective details.
Method: Select "Manual"
DNS servers: Insert one or more DNS server IP addresses (coma separated, no space)
Search Domains: Enter your AD domain name
Address: Click the add button on the right and start filling in the information requested
5. Click "Apply" to save the configuration.