How to get device details & system information

This article shows us the device details, system information, policy sync status, and browser extensions.

The information on this page is read-only. The different data sections are synced at other times, so the information displayed is only accurate to the Last Sync time.

1. Browse to Evren Manager Portal.

2. Navigate to Devices on the left menu and left-click on it.

3. You will see a list of devices registered under your organization. Choose and click on the device where you would retrieve the information.

Device Details

This System Information tab shows the Hardware & OS and Network.
This System Information tab shows the System Information, Installed Applications, NTP Status and Geolocation.

System Information

This System Information tab shows Firewall Configurations.

Policy Sync Status

The Policy Sync Status tab shows the last time a specific policy was synced and the next update time in UTC format.

Browser Extensions

The Browser Extensions tab shows the extensions that are installed on the device.
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