How to change RAID or IDE Mode to AHCI in BIOS

BIOS Configuration Settings

All recent laptop and desktop computers use hard disks or solid-state drives (SSDs) that connect via SATA ports to the motherboard. SATA drives can be configured in the system BIOS in three ways:

  • IDE
  • AHCI
  • RAID

You must switch SATA Controller mode to AHCI to proceed with Evren OS installation.

This article below guides us on changing RAID or IDE Mode to AHCI in BIOS. Before we proceed with the steps, the screenshot below explains the difference between the SATA Controller modes.

⚠️  Before you begin, please ensure you do not have any essential data on the laptop/PC  you are about to use.

Note: The BIOS menu may vary based on the computer brand and BIOS version. Please go ahead with the respective steps to modify your current BIOS settings.

1. Press the Power button on your computer.

2. Press ESC, F9, F8, F10, or F12 during the initial startup screen. (Depending on the company that created your version of BIOS, a menu may appear.) Boot menu keys per manufacturer. You will be directed to the BIOS Setup Utility main page.

3. In the BIOS Setup Utility dialog, select Advanced and navigate to IDE Configuration. The IDE configuration menu is displayed.

4. The IDE Configuration menu is displayed. In the IDE Configuration menu, select ATA/IDE Configuration and click Disabled.

5. Next, under SATA AHCI Mode, please ensure it is in Enabled mode per the screenshot below.

6. Navigate to the Exit menu on the dialog and click Exit Saving Changes, or you may press F10 to save your changes, exit the BIOS Utility, and reboot the PC/laptop.

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