Evren OS Keyboard Shortcut Cheat Sheet

This table includes the Evren OS keyboard shortcuts:

NOTE: The Meta key is available on some keyboards, usually next to the Spacebar, performing special functions when combined with another key. Alternatively, you may use the Windows logo key (on the Windows system) or the cloverleaf key (on the Apple system) to fulfill the traditional function of the Meta key.


Evren OS Keyboard

Shortcut Cheat Sheet

Browser Keyboard Shortcut Function
Browser Ctrl + T Open new Tab
Browser Ctrl + N Open new Window
Browser Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new Incognito Window
Browser Ctrl + D Bookmark Page
Browser Ctrl + L Highlight the Current URL in the Address Window
Browser Ctrl + Tab Step through Open Browser Tabs
Browser Ctrl + J Browse Downloads
Browser Ctrl + H Browse History
Browser Ctrl + Shift + T Restore recently closed tabs
Browser Ctrl + Enter Add '.com' to end of URL (i.e., google > Ctrl + Enter)
Standard Meta Key Open / Close Start Menu
Standard Meta Key + → Snap Current Window Right
Standard Meta Key + ← Snap Current Window Left
Standard Meta Key + E Launch File Manager (Dolphin)
Standard Meta Key + L Lock the Desktop
Standard Ctrl + Alt + Del Shows logout, restart, and shutdown options
Standard Ctrl + Alt + L Lock Screen
Standard Alt + Space or Alt + F2 Global Search (similar to spotlight search on mac)
Screenshot Meta key + PrtSc Capture Active Window
Screenshot Shift + PrtSc Capture Entire Desktop
Screenshot Meta key + Shift + PrtSc Capture Rectangular Region
Screenshot PrtSc Launch Spectacle  (screenshot app)
Starting and Stopping Applications Ctrl + Esc System Activity/ Task Manager
Starting and Stopping Applications Alt + F4 Close Current Window/App
Starting and Stopping Applications Ctrl + Q Quit Current App
Starting and Stopping Applications Ctrl + Alt + Esc Force Quit
Moving Around Ctrl + F10 Show current desktop apps
Moving Around Ctrl + F12 Show Desktop
Moving Around Alt+Shift+Tab Walk through windows (Reverse)
Moving Around Ctrl+Alt+A Activate Window Demanding Attention
Moving Around Alt + Tab Switch between open items
Panning and Zooming Meta Key + = Zoom In
Panning and Zooming Meta Key + - Zoom Out
Panning and Zooming Meta Key + 0 Zoom Normal
Panning and Zooming Meta Key + Up Pan Up
Panning and Zooming Meta Key  + Down Pan Down
Panning and Zooming Meta Key + Left Pan left
Panning and Zooming Meta Key + Right Pan Right
Panning and Zooming Meta Key  + Tab Next Activity
Panning and Zooming Meta Key  + Shift + Tab Previous Activity
Panning and Zooming Ctrl + F1 Switch to another Desktop
Help F1 Help
Help Shift+F1 What's This?
Documents F5 Refresh
Documents Ctrl + F4 Close the active document
Documents Ctrl + Alt + Del Select All
Documents Ctrl + Z Undo
Documents Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo
Documents Ctrl + X Cut
Documents Ctrl + C Copy
Documents Ctrl + V Paste
Documents Ctrl + N New
Documents Ctrl + P Print
Documents Ctrl + S Save
Documents Ctrl + F Find
Documents Ctrl + W Close Document/Tab
Files & Folder Ctrl + Z Undo
Files & Folder Ctrl + X Cut
Files & Folder Ctrl + C Copy
Files & Folder Ctrl + V Paste
Files & Folder Ctrl + A Select All
Files & Folder Ctrl + L Replace Location
Files & Folder Ctrl + Shift + A Invert Selection
Files & Folder Alt + Left Back
Files & Folder Alt + Right Forward
Files & Folder Alt + Up Up (to the folder that contains this one)
Files & Folder Alt + Home Home Folder
Files & Folder Delete Move to Trash
Files & Folder Shift + Delete Delete Permanently
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