How to upgrade your BIOS firmware on Evren

The article guides us on how to upgrade the BIOS, and any other firmware upgrades are supported, too.

⚠️  Before you begin, please ensure the machine is plugged into a power socket and not running on batteries. Also, please make sure the device is fully up-to-date.

1. As root, please run the command below;

  • dnf install -y fwupd fwupd-plugin-flashrom fwupd-plugin-uefi-capsule-data

2. Type Y and press ENTER to proceed with the installation.

3. Next, please run the commands below;
  • systemctl start fwupd
  • fwupdmgr refresh
  • fwupdmgr update

4. Insert Y and press ENTER to perform the BIOS & firmware upgrade.

5. Once the installation has successfully occurred, please type Y and press ENTER again for the machine to reboot. Please ensure all other windows and programs are closed.

⚠️ Please note that the machine might reboot several times to complete the upgrade. Please do not interrupt the upgrade process.

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