HealthChecks (Telemetry) data available for customers

Evren OS customers can enable various health check data points, which can be made available to customers in the dashboard or by API on request. Every organization has one or more child organizations, and each machine must be registered with one organization. There is only one logical back-end per organization, meaning each machine is registered to one Evren management back-end.

Evren OS machines send health checks, asset management data, and other information to the back end through REST APIs. These health checks run at regular default intervals, which can be customized according to customer requests.

Health-check components

The list of health checks is not exhaustive as we add more checks regularly.



dmi_tables hardware/chassis information
chrome_history Chrome browser user history
block_devices Disks and filesystem metadata
firefox_history Firefox browser history
flatpak_installed_apps List flatpak installed apps and metadata
flatpak_upgrades List flatpak apps with available upgrades
hosts /etc/hosts content
luks_devices List of luks encrypted devices and metadata
mem Memory statistics and processes using it
network Network interfaces and detailed metadata
os OS version and metadata
dnf_pkgs_installed List installed packages with metadata
dnf_pkgs_upgrades List RPM packages that have updates
pci_devices Detailed list of PCI (chipset and other components on the chipset) devices and metadata
procs Complete list of running processes and metadata
systemd_units Complete list of systemd units and metadata
time Chrony configuration; time skew statistics per ntp source and metadata
usb_devices Detailed list of USB devices and metadata
system_users List system users and metadata
logged_in_users Who information
wtmp Last information
desktop_apps List Desktop files and metadata
user_activity List user logging / Logout / Boot / Reboot / Screen-Saver-On / Screen-Saver-off activity
mounts List mounted filesystems and metadata
btrfs List all filesystem volumes and subvolumes and metadata
grub List grub defaults and metadata
clamav List ClamAV configuration metadata and scan reports
docker List docker images, Dockers, networks, and metadata
rpm_verify Result of rpm -Qa --Verify
git_repos List user's git repos and remotes
coredumps List coredumps and metadata
user_auth List user authentication attempts
unix_pwd_change List password changes
usb_events List USB plug-in / unplug events with metadata
nvm List node.Js versions installed and packages for each version
pyenv List Python versions installed and packages for each version
snaps List snap information, including snaps installed and metadata
browsers_policy List Chrome and Firefox policy and metadata
certificates List system and user certificate trust settings and metadata
firewall List firewall zone information and metadata
lsmod List loaded kernel modules
sysctl List system parameters
bluetooth List Bluetooth devices, Connections, nearby devices
smart List disks S.M.A.R.T. Status and metadata
zeroconf List zeroconf / bonjour enabled devices nearby and metadata
chrome_extensions List installed Chrome extensions for all users
bash_history List commands run by the user with bash/Terminal
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