How to sign in to One drive and sync your account on Evren OS

This article guides how users can sign in to their OneDrive profile and sync their account with the OneDrive application that is available on Evren OS.

1. Click the Start button in the lower-left corner of the screen. Please type OneDrive in the Search Bar and double-click on it.

2. Please click on the Next button.

3. Next, please tick the first option (Create new OneDrive profile) and press Next.

4. Please insert your new profile name which is your work email address and the Sync Directory will be automatically filled. Press Create New Profile and hit the Next button.

5. You will see a prompt box as below requesting for the OneDrive login.

6. Please insert your email address and password along with the approval of your authentication method. For example, kindly approve the sign in request using the Microsoft Authenticator app in this use case.

7. Once the login is successful, pleast start the account sync manually by clicing OK.

8. Press the Play button and you will see the button changes the state of colour from red to green. Please wait for a couple of minutes depending on the overall file size for the sync to complete.

9. Upon completion, you may click on the File icon button to view the OneDrive folder in your home directory where the files are synced.

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