How to enable Remote Screen Capture feature

This feature grants IT Admin permission to capture screenshots of a remote screen of the end-user device.

Please follow the steps below if you'd like to enable/disable the user's permission.

1. Browse to Evren Manager Portal.

2. Navigate to Advance Settings on the left menu.

3. Under Remote Screen Capture, you have two options for enabling/disabling the Screenshots for all the managed devices by sliding the button accordingly.

  1. Once you have enabled the feature, you may customize the output directory (a file directory for saved screenshots) and the frequency of the screenshots.

  1. Also, you may tick Add the logged-in username to the filenames and configure an SMB integration which allows you to export the screenshots to your desired folder by sliding the Enable SMB Share Integration option.

Example of SMB Share Integration
  1. Press the Save button to confirm the changes made.

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