Creating device groups using Evren Manager Portal

This article guides us on how IT Admins create one or multiple-device groups with different configurations and policies based on work-related requirements. The configurations and policies selected only apply to the devices under the particular Device Group.

Please follow the steps below. 

1. Browse to Evren Manager Portal.

2. Navigate to the top right menu and click on the icon.

  1. Please click on Settings.

  1. Once you see a list of tabs, please click the Device Groups tab.

  1. You may create as many device groups as you want for multiple organization departments with different sets of applications, settings, and policies. To initiate one, please click on Add Group.

  1. You will see two options below.

Create with default settings - You may opt for this option if you would like to create individual settings with customized configurations, policies, and permission levels.

Copy settings from the Default group - Selecting this option will copy the complete settings from the Default group.

⚠️   Please note that changes take around an hour to get synced to all your devices under the Device Group.

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